Here are downloadable PDF files that explain each course in more depth. If you have any questions then please ring 07789 233016.
Autism Awareness
Basic Food Hygiene
Bullying and Harassment
Care Planning and Documentation for Care Staff
Children’s Safeguarding
Challenging Behaviour
Conflict Resolution
Continence and Catheter Care
Dementia Train the Trainer
Dementia Awareness
Diabetes Awareness
Epilepsy Awareness
Equality and Diversity
First Aid at Work
Fire Awareness
Fire Warden
Health and Safety
Infection Control
Level 3 Medications Administration
Moving and Handlng of Loads
Moving and Handling Train the Trainer
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding
Palliative Care
Person Centred Care
Professional Boundaries
Safe Handling of Medicines
Safe moving and Handling of People
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Stroke Awareness
Supervision and Appraisal
Syringe Driver Training
Train the Trainer Safe Handling of Medicines
Verification of Expected Death